Why the Second Big Chop Means Better Success

second big chop

I am natural, AGAIN! Before my first natural hair journey began, I had shoulder length relaxed hair, it was healthy for the most part, but I did have some thinning at the crown and noticed it was becoming more limp. I stopped relaxing my hair for about three months and then decided that I was going to revert to my natural state. Hence the second big chop…

I of course had my doubts, but I had nothing to lose. I only had one problem! What to do with my hair when I am actually natural. I giggle now but back then it was not funny. It was August of 2011, when I decided to transition, well somewhat of a transition. I was never the type to go to a salon, because I felt I knew how to manage my hair the way I wanted it, this included trimming and cutting. I always said if I mess my hair up, I can only be mad at myself vs. if I go to a salon and the stylist messed it up that is another story.

The day that I decided go for it, I had to leave it up to the professional. My stylist chopped away the relaxed hair from the back and one side of my head. I still had some length in the front, middle, and one side of my head. I chose this way because my crown area was thin and it did not grow as fast so I thought it would blend better. As my hair started to grow, I noticed very quickly that the remainder part of my hair that was relaxed had to be cut soon because those curls were coming in fast.

Having curls on one side and months of new growth hanging on to relaxed hair on the other side was not a good look. So in October of 2011, I became completely natural and remained that way until May of 2014.

Yes, I actually relaxed my hair in May of 2014 after being natural for 2 1/2 years. Why? In my opinion, natural hair care is a little more tedious as far as management vs. relaxed hair.

Yes, I actually relaxed my hair in May of 2014 after being natural for 2 1/2 years. Why? In my opinion, natural hair care is a little more tedious as far as management vs. relaxed hair. I did not really miss my hair being long and straight, it was more so the time that I needed to put into my hair to achieve a style that I wanted.

I did not like how braids looked on me, and I am not fond of weaves (for me). Wash and go was my friend, but I grew tired of the up keep of refreshing and managing the curls. I decided I no longer wanted to continue the natural hair journey any longer. I felt relaxing my hair would be in my best interest because I would not have to put much care in my hair as I did in its natural state.

After I relaxed my hair, I was happy with the mid back length I had achieved with 2 1/2 years of being natural, but after putting that flat iron through my hair to straighten, I almost had a panic attack. I knew immediately that I was not going to last being relaxed. During my natural journey I straightened my hair maybe three times for length check purposes or if I wanted to do a good trim on myself.

Now that I was relaxed, there were no curls, two strand twist styles or wash and go’s to revert back to. The limp look and lack of curls was no joke. I noticed so much more strands of hair that fell in my sink it was almost sickening to me. I asked myself on several occasions why did I do it. I was stuck, but not for long.

I was so mad and frustrated with myself for relaxing, that I cut my mid back length hair to a shoulder length bob, then a short bob. I eventually cut the back off and even shaved a small patch on the side (just because). This was all within a three month span. My friends thought I was going through a crisis. In my mind, the faster I cut it, the quicker I can get to all those styles that I could not achieve while being relaxed.

As of August 17, 2014 I am completely natural again and I feel great. They always say never say never, so I will say there is a 99.9% chance that I will not relax again. If I should ever have the urge to relax again, I believe I will seek a professional stylist to give me a new style, or do a protective style.

As the saying goes, the grass is not always greener on the other side. I quickly found this out for myself and a lesson was learned. In general, life can lead to a lot of twist and turns, but it is not always wise to seek a an easier road because this could lead you right back where you were but now a few steps behind.


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