Embracing Your Not So Lengthy Natural Hair

embracing your not so lengthy natural hair

Natural hair comes in all shapes, sizes and lengths. Two years into my natural hair journey, my hair was at just the right length. Short enough to not fuss over shrinkage and long enough to have a bomb twist out. However, a trip to the salon for a trim turned into a major cut. My hair was not in the best shape and I needed the cut… just wished I would have been more prepared for it.

I found myself with new, shorter hair and really had no idea how to fall in love with or even style it. I had enough length to do a twist out (clearly my go-to style) but trying to twist 2-3 inch strands of hair was the struggle. Thankfully, I had a little more length up top so all hope was not lost.

My new look started to give me an even greater look on what it is like to have not so lengthy natural hair. In the natural hair community, one of the biggest discussions we have is about growing our hair to attain maximum length. Nothing is wrong with that, but what about the naturalistas that love their short hair and then naturalistas like me that just happen to have short hair one day. It is time to start to including more discussions on embracing, loving and styling short natural hair.

After talking to some natural friends about less lengthy hair I found out that a lot of women feel they lose a little of their feminine side and beauty when having hair that is of shorter length. Sadly, I have to agree. I was so nervous when I first started rockin’ my not so lengthy hair. I didn’t want to look less feminine and was honestly not ready to accept the new look.

Thankfully, I finally started embracing my not so lengthy hair when I realized that I was truly the only one who had a problem with the length and that I literally look the same but just with shorter hair. Whether you just big chopped, wanted a new look or found yourself getting a cut instead of a trim, these five simple tips will help you love the new you!

Don’t worry about what other people will think.

Find someone on YouTube or Instagram with short hair to get styling inspiration.

Take advantage of having a quicker wash day because your hair will eventually grow back.

Spice up your look with a cute lippie, earrings, makeup, etc. and enhance that feminine side you already have.

Use your shorter length to explore new color and products.

Once I started embracing my not so lengthy hair I realized that short hair is fun, playful and stylish! It gives you this unexplainable confidence and feeling that you can make anything work and look fabulous while doing it. If you’re struggling to embrace your shorter curls, just know that your hair will grow back and use this time to fall in love with being natural all over again.

Although I am letting my hair grow out, I will never hesitate in the future to get a haircut and I’ll always keep my five tips in mind!

Invest in a great styling product so no matter your hair’s length, your curls will always be poppin’! Curls Understood loves the new hair care line called Haircredible. Their Curly Hair Fro Definition kit contains no harmful ingredients such as parabens, petroleum oils, mineral oils and more…


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