How Do I Know If My Curly Hair Is Ready For Color?

should i dye my natural hair

When taking on the task of permanently coloring your own hair, a naturalista can feel apprehensive. Whether or not the hair is ready for that risk is determined by the overall health of the hair and if the person can take care of it afterwards. You may want to rock a different look but “Should I dye my natural hair?” is the first question every curly girl should ask themselves before taking the plunge.


My Hair Color

If your hair is suffering from damage such as severe breakage or shedding it may not be the time for a color change. Adding permanent color to damaged hair strands can actually exacerbate the problem. Permanent color opens up the hair follicle and deposits color to the strands. Bleaching the hair, in most cases changes the curl pattern by loosening its natural state.

When coloring your hair a few shades lighter than your natural color it can tend to feel more dry than usual. With the help of deep conditioner, protein treatments, and as needed trims you can have healthy color treated hair. If your hair isn’t in the right state for permanent changes you can nurse it back to health by doing protective styles, staying away from heat styles and keeping it moisturized.

Going to a professional stylist for a consultation is ideal if you don’t know if your hair is ready for this type of commitment. The stylist will be able to see things you may not be able to and refer you to some products that might help. This can be a great learning experience for not only hair color but, gaining and maintaining length. Stylist can make it an easier transition if you haven’t had color treated hair prior.

If your hair is suffering from damage such as severe breakage or shedding it may not be the time for a color change. Adding permanent color to damaged hair strands can actually exacerbate the problem.

In the meantime try out temporary hair color in the form of spray-on color, wigs or hair shadowing can keep the color itch away until you are ready to take that leap! Rome wasn’t built in a day, so it is ok to take baby steps.


Photo Credit: Pete Monsanto

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