Rag Curls: The Cheaper Alternative to Curlformers

rag curls tutorial

I finally found a remedy to spending hundreds of dollars on Curlformers, curl rods, flat irons, curling irons, crimping irons, etc. The method is called “Rag Curls” – in other words curls formed with socks. I love this method because I can sleep with the socks in my hair overnight without breaking my neck! Below is my Rag Curls tutorial where I outline step-by-step how to achieve beautiful full curls that last for DAYS.

Step One

Start off with dry or damp hair. I always finger detangle my hair in the shower and section my hair into four or eight sections – this depends on how lazy I’m feeling that day! The easiest way to do any natural hair styling is by section your hair into as many sections as possible. For the curls in the pictures below, I did this hairstyle on a three-day-old braid out.

Step Two

I recommend getting your best LOC method materials together. First apply a creamy leave-in to your hair. This will help to hold the curls once you undo the socks. Then seal in this moisture with oil. Finally apply a curl activator to help the curls coil. Or if the LOC method is too complicated, simply spritz lightly with water to avoid crunchiness.

Step Three

GRAB AS MANY SOCK AS YOU CAN! Any type of socks should work for this hairstyle. Make sure to only do a LOC method one section at a time. Take the sock and place it at the base of smaller part within a section of hair. Wrap the end of the hair around the sock. Gently start to roll the hair upwards towards the scalp, as you would a roller. I would suggest shorter and thinner socks for short hair. For long hair, these socks can work on it too, but longer and thicker socks may yield the best results.

Step Four

Once you reach the top of your hair, tie the two ends of the sock together as if you’re tying a knot. Repeat this to every section of hair, but make sure to section your hair the way you would like your to fall. This means if you like your hair parted to the right side of your head, section your hair so that you have more hair on the left like a normal hairstyle.

Step Five

GO TO SLEEP. Sleep overnight in your socks, don’t worry you’ll sleep like a baby. Make sure to put a bonnet over your hair to keep any flyaway from sprouting in the morning.

Step Six

The next mornings slowly and gently untie the knots starting at the base of your head. Pull apart curls with fingers. The curls will be extremely tight depending on how tiny you made your sections.

Step Seven

Voila! You are done. To make sure your curls last use a bonnet and or pin curl your hair before bed. Check out my hair the next day below:

Free Blogging Bootcamp Curls Understood eBook

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