Why Less Is More: Simplify Your Curly Hair Routine

natural hair less is more

Feel like you’re doing the most with your hair? Dread wash day ’cause it literally means you’re locked in for 24 hours? You’ve got your regular shampoo and your clarifying shampoo. A styler for wash and gos and another for twist outs. Then don’t forget your deep conditioner for moisture and one for protein. It’s all too much!

Make no mistake, simplifying doesn’t mean compromising your natural hair’s health.

If you feel overwhelmed with all the thought, time and processes involved in getting your hair to do what you want it may be worth simplifying your routine. And make no mistake, simplifying doesn’t mean compromising your natural hair’s health. You’re just picking the items that are essential and in turn lessening the amount of time you’re actually manipulating your hair.

Here are 3 easy tips to bring your routine back to basics. Try for one month and see if it works for you:

Pick One Cleanser/Co-wash
Rather than shampooing then conditioning (or conditioning then shampooing, depending on your preference!), consider combining the process by using a cowash or moisturizing cleanser like Hairstory’s New Wash. You can achieve both clean and moisturized hair with one product.

natural hair less is more

Trim Regularly
Oh how this makes a difference! Trims get rid of those pesky split ends that tangle and knot making styling an impossible task. Hair maintenance will become much easier, and more importantly, less time consuming if you’re not having to “fight” with your hair. It’s always great to get a professional trim but you can also invest in professional scissors and trim at home.

Choose A Styler That Works With Your Natural Curl Pattern
It’s OK to follow curly girls with a different curl pattern than your own on social media, but don’t get caught up in the hype. You have the curls you were born with for a reason so embrace them! It’s perfectly fine to switch it up every now and then (we all love a good twist out or even blow out) but try working with what you have. It’ll cut down on styling time and unnecessary manipulation.

Try Hairstroy’s Hair Balm to enhance your natural texture. You don’t need much so it won’t weigh your hair down and will leave your natural curls super soft.

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