6 Things I’ve Learned Being Natural

I began my natural hair journey in 2009. There have been good days, and not so good days. But all-in-all I’m happy with my decision to go natural. I have learned a lot in the last six years and I want to share with you the top six things I’ve learned being natural.

Plan ahead.
You’ve spent all night twisting your hair until your fingers begin to cramp. But you just know that your twistout the next morning will be on fleek! But you wake up and take down your twists only to find that your hair isn’t dry! Argg! #naturalhairproblems.
If you need a style to be ready to go the next morning, be sure to plan ahead. Wash or twist your hair earlier in the day to allow for more drying, use a hooded dryer, or consider twisting your hair dry or slightly damp. The more time your hair has to dry or set, the better it will come out and it will last longer.

The style won’t always turn out like you expect.
There are so many inspiring naturalistas on social media! You get inspired to try a style on yourself, use the same products, and follow the same process step by step and then…BAM! Where she has voluminous curls you have a fuzzy fro.
Curlfriend, it happens to all of us, LOL! I have learned that results may vary. Which leads me to my next point.

Embrace the beauty of YOUR hair.
You’re inspired by the thick, or long, or stylish locks of another naturalista and get down on yourself because your hair isn’t like hers. Everyone’s hair is different. Different textures, density, coarseness, porosity, etc. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the “perfection” we see on social media or read about on blogs. Your journey is your own. Love every stage of the journey and don’t get caught up comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle. Your hair is beautiful too!
Patience is key.
This natural hair life is a marathon, not a sprint. Patience is key to maintaining healthy natural hair. You may want to call it quits on those long wash days, during those difficult detangling sessions, or after a failed twistout, but don’t give up. There will be good and bad days on your hair journey. With a healthy hair regimen fit to your needs, you will achieve your hair goals. Just be patient.
Seek a stylist when needed.
You’ll get to a point where you feel like you don’t need a stylist anymore; that you can do it all on our own. While you will come to know your hair better than anyone else, seek a stylist when needed. Stylists are trained in the art of cutting, coloring, and straightening hair—a training that extends beyond watching hours of YouTube videos. I’m not saying you can’t cut, color, or straighten your own hair, but know your limitations.
Have fun!
This needs no explanation. Enjoy the journey and remember its only hair. Big chop, no chop, taper cut, long locks, color change…it’s your hair, do what you want!
Photo Credit: @itspaulaalmeida

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